Madrid, julio de 2024. EVENTOS

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Madrid, julio de 2024. EVENTOS

J CLIL the 7th BILINGUAL ConferencE 2024

Date: Saturday, 9 November 2024  

 Time: 9:30-15:30 (doors open at 9:20)

Venue: Face-to-Face meeting : ABENO HARUKAS (Osaka) & Online (Zoom)

Theme: CLIL: A Device for Deep Learning and Beyond

Plenary Talk: Dr. Y.L. Teresa Ting(University of Calabria, Italy)

Title: "An Interactive Plenary on CLIL: Why do CLIL (Education), How to do CLIL (Cognitive Neuroscience) and What Next for CLIL (Disciplinary Literacy)."

Member’s Talk: Dr. Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University)

Title: "Bridging Content and Language: A Case Study of Team-Taught CLIL in Engineering"

The 7th J-CLIL Annual International Conference will be held in a hybrid format (Face-to Face meeting: ABENO HARUKAS and online via Zoom) on the above date. If you wish to give a presentation (20 minutes), please apply as follows:


btn JCLIL 2024


Madrid, mayo de 2024. EVENTOS

V Jornadas Desarrollo Profesional


 Inside the mind of the CLIL teacher


Dra. Maria Ellison – Universidad de Oporto







Madrid, abril de 2024. EVENTO


El CEIP Gregorio Marañón de Toledo, con la colaboración de los CEIP Juan de Padilla Y Rosa Parks y los IES Juanelo Turriano y Alfonso X el Sabio organiza una sesión informativa para padres y profesores sobre la Enseñanza Bilingüe.

El evento tendrá lugar el martes 30 de abril a las 18:00h en el Salón de Actos del Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional nº1 de Toledo. 



Madrid, abril de 2024. EVENTOS

V Jornadas Desarrollo Profesional


 Bilingual Education as a driving force for the development of democratic competence


Dra. Lola López Navas – Universidad Internacional de Valencia


In September 2023, the Council of Europe published its Education Strategy 2024-2030, with the motto: “Learners First: Education for today’s and tomorrow’s democratic societies”. There is a common thread underlying the pillars of this strategy: a recognition of the centrality of language in all learning processes alongside the provision of inclusive, lifelong and high-quality language learning. Furthermore, recommendation CM/Rec(2022)1 had already highlighted the importance of the promotion of bilingual and immersion education and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) for democratic culture.

In this session, we will explore how CLIL teachers in bilingual programmes can make use of current frameworks such as the Companion Volume of the CEFR and the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) to nurture cognitive, intercultural, and linguistic skills essential for active participation in democratic life.