Madrid, febrero de 2024. EVENTOS
La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la cuarta sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2023/2024.
Fostering Inclusive Education for Special Needs in the Bilingual and Foreign Language Classroom…Why Not? Jueves 15 de febrero de 2024, a las 18:00 horas Francisco Jáimez | Colegio Sta. Mª de Gracia - Murcia
Inclusive education has gained considerable importance in recent years, emphasizing the need to address the diverse learning needs of students, including those with special needs, within mainstream classrooms. The MRMIC&GXXI approach, with its transversal and holistic perspective, offers a promising framework for teachers to effectively cater to these unique requirements. We are going to explore the benefits of implementing the MRMIC&GXXI approach in the classroom, focusing on the overarching question, "Why Not?