En esta sección iremos reuniendo enlaces a recursos de los distintos niveles educativos o referidos a distintas metodologías sobre enseñanza bilingüe. Si quiere colaborar con la asociación, envíenos enlaces que conozca y quiera compartir con la comunidad educativa. Envielos por correo electrónico a la dirección info@ebspain.es
Recursos educativos para Educación Infantil
- Activity Idea Place: preschool lesson plans
Alphabet books/worksheets to print
Enjoy these free printable alphabet materials for the letter A: coloring pages, color posters, worksheets, and handwriting practice worksheets. These are suitable for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. Visit Alphabet Letter A Preschool Activities and Crafts for additional resources.
Compilation Of Free Online Resources
We’ve compiled a list of free online resources to help keep your teaching tools sharp and up-to-date. We’re always looking to improve our list. If you know of a website that we don’t have here, please let us know!
Custom Tracer Pages
Type in anything you like into the custom tracer pages to practice printing (standard block or script type printing fonts) or cursive handwriting.
Dotted letters
The Amazing - Incredible Handwriting Worksheet Maker!
Excellent. Letter recognition activities and others
Alphabet Recognition and Printing Practice
Free Preschool and Kindergarten Worksheets
We are dedicated to providing high quality, printable, free worksheets for teachers and parents. We have hundreds of free preschool worksheets, kindergarten worksheets and other grades!
High Quality Printable Free Worksheets For Teachers
Come and visit the preschool themes and lesson plans below to find fun early childhood activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten. The lesson plans include a list of materials needed, easy-to-follow instructions, crafts, printable activities, activity worksheets, coloring pages and related resources. Start having fun at First-School right away!
Learning Activities & Printables For Pre-K Kids
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Nursery rhymes by themes
Our collection of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes is offered by themes listed below. In addition, for your convenience, it is also sorted in alphabetical order by title or first line of the nursery rhyme.
- Online letter games
Preschool Lesson Plans Online
Make classes fun for preschoolers! Instill in your preschooler a love of learning with our free lesson plans. This is the time when 2 – 5 year olds learn new things rapidly and are introduced to a diverse range of subjects and topics, and it is important to try and keep lessons simple and structured. Homeschooling parents and teachers can include our fun and free preschool activities and worksheets in their lesson plans and make learning an enjoyable process for the little ones!
Preschool Themes With Activities
On this page, you will find an ever growing list of themes to choose from! To date, there are 147+ themes below to choose from!
Tarjetas para imprimir letras alfabeto
Students will enjoy learning the alphabet by singing the alphabet song and copying the movements of the animated characters.
Tracing letters
These pages allow children to trace the letters to help with the learning process. Here are some thoughts on how to use the pages with younger children (preschool).
Recursos educativos para Educación Primaria
AICOLE (Comunidad de Madrid)
AICOLE pretende por un lado facilitar el trabajo de los maestros y profesores que enseñan su materia en otro idioma, poniendo a su disposición materiales y recursos adaptados a sus necesidades, y por otro permitirles colaborar entre ellos, compartir sus propios materiales con el resto del profesorado para así mejorar su práctica docente, y comunicarse entre sí.
Arts&Crafts. Color matters
Información sobre el color.
Arts&Crafts. Coloring Book
Dibujos en blanco para colorear.
Arts&Crafts. Crayola
Dibujos y manualidades.
Arts&Crafts. Disney family
Arts&Crafts. Glogster
Creación de posters.
Arts&Crafts. Hobbycraft
Arts&Crafts. Pinterest
Arts&Crafts. Pixton
Creación de comics.
Arts&Crafts. Stripgenerator
Creación de comics.
Arts&Crafts. TLS Books
Educational Worksheets for Preschool-Sixth Grade
Welcome to Tlsbooks.com. Tlsbooks offers you a variety of free printable worksheets to use at home or in the classroom. You'll find thousands of worksheets appropriate for students in preschool through sixth grade. These educational worksheets may be used to supplement your early childhood education program, home day care resources, elementary school classroom, or home school curriculum.
Literacy. Kididdles
Literacy. Primary games
Literacy. Primary resources
Variedad de actividades.
Literacy. Songs for teaching
Literacy. Storytelling in the classroom
Music. Good ear
Music. Musical Mysteries
Conceptos básicos musicales.
Music. SFS Kids
Componer, escuchar, jugar, etc.
Physical Education. PE Central
Reading A-Z
Lectura y actividades.
Reading tutors
Reading. Giggle poetry
Reading. Kiz club
Cuentos y canciones infantiles.
Science. 2learn
Variedad de materiales para elaborar unidades didácticas.
Science. Discover Primary Science and Maths
Proyectos de ciencias presentados en forma de lesson plan.
Science. Early Elementary Lessons
Unidades didácticas.
Science. Egyptian Life
Historia de Egipto.
Science. Extreme Science
Geografía y geología.
Science. Kidsastronomy
Science. Macaulay Library
Fotos y sonidos de aves.
Science. Nasa Kids’ Club
Página de la NASA para niños.
Science. Neuroscience for kids
Experimentos, trabajos, juegos, etc.
Science. PBS Learning media
Recursos multimedia.
Science. Science made simple
Proyectos, artículos, historias, etc.
Science. The 8 planets just for kids
Science. The Science Explorer
Actividades para comprobar hechos científicos.
Science. TLS books
Writing. Glogster
Creación de posters.
Writing. Pixton
Creación de comics.
Writing. Storybird
Creación de libros.
Writing. Stripgenerator
Creación de comics.
Recursos educativos para Educación Secundaria
- Abbreviations for sending messages
AICOLE (Comunidad de Madrid)
AICOLE pretende por un lado facilitar el trabajo de los maestros y profesores que enseñan su materia en otro idioma, poniendo a su disposición materiales y recursos adaptados a sus necesidades, y por otro permitirles colaborar entre ellos, compartir sus propios materiales con el resto del profesorado para así mejorar su práctica docente, y comunicarse entre sí.
- Animated clipart different
- Animated clipart different topics. Good.
- Animated clipart Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, etc…
- Animation factory
- Blog de carácter práctico, con ideas para trabajar destrezas y también a través de la literatura.
- Board game creator. Lots of templates to be changed at your disposal
- Board game template to download
- Brief grammar explanation for students. Good as teaching support
- Clipart
- Crosswords
- Crosswords...
- Cryptograms
- Discovery education
- Easy to make word scramble maker
- English as a second language speaking activities, role plays, etc…
- Excellent for flashcards, worksheets, create own games. (1.º y 2.º ESO)
- Excellent printable card games and board games
- Excellent resources. Different levels. Interactive activities (spelling, matching words and definitions, etc...)
- Excellent site for animated clipart. General topics plus science, technology, etc...
- Excellent website that includes primary and secondary resources about all the subjects of the curriculum.
- Excellent. Different topics, different subjects
- Excellent. Flashcards/cards/worksheets, etc.
- Excellent. Have a look!
- French site. Lots of exercises to practice grammar. Interactive exercises.
- General ESL resources. Site with links to many interesting ESL resources
- General listening quizzes
Grammar and Vocabulary. English Forum
- Interactive games to practice grammar. Within this site ESL fun games.
- Juliet Thompson’s list of great interactive sites
- Just clipart
- Lesson plans and activities. Site with links to useful WebPages.
- Links to interactive web sites to use with your whiteboard
- Lots of ideas to use in the classroom
- Lots of quizzes about grammar, reading…
- Lots of resources, lesson plans for ESL.
- Online community of educators using SMART Boards
- PowerPoints games (password, jeopardy, etc) ready to be prepared by the teachers according to the topics they want to practice.
- Puzzle generator
- Puzzle maker
- Resources and teaching ideas different areas. Grammar, vocabulary, spelling.
- Resources for the primary classroom, but can give interesting literacy ideas to use with your students
Science. PBS Learning media
Recursos multimedia.
Science. Whys Guy
Grabaciones de video sobre explicaciones.
- Site that takes you to other free sites. Many topics. Not animated
- Site with information about the curriculum of ESO and Bachillerato Interactive games
- Site with links to interesting educational sites (clipart, flashcards, activities)
- SMART Technologies for education
- SMART Technologies Lesson and Activity Resources
- Specially for primary, but some interesting things to be used at other levels and subjects, science, history, literacy.
- Teachers’ blog for sharing SMART Board information and resources
- Teaching techniques
- Webquests
- Website that explains how to create a Webquests
- Website that gives links to other sites for ESL
- Word search maker
- Wordsearch