Madrid, enero de 2024. EVENTOS





Adapting Materials for the CLIL Classroom


Virginia Vinuesa Benítez | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos





 Madrid, diciembre de 2023.

EBJornadas 1920x600 min

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la segunda sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2023/2024.

Poetry and CLIL

Jueves 14 de diciembre de 2023, a las 18:00 horas 

Dra. JUDITH DADEY – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos   


Poetry, as a literary genre, tends to be noticeably absent in the language learning classroom due to the notion t that it is not as easy to work with as narrative texts or drama. However, nursery rhymes, either in the form of chants or songs, have always been at the fore in the pre-school years, as well as the during the primary education stage when young learners are learning to communicate. Can poetry be included in the classroom to cover all the 4 C’s of CLIL? Is it useful when it comes to cross-curricular teaching? Today’s session looks at the role of poetry and some of its possibilities within the integrated approach to language acquisition in the bilingual classroom. 



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Madrid, noviembre de 2023. EVENTOS

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La National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) ofrece a los miembros de la Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe un descuento del 50% en la inscripción para su 53 Congreso que se celebra en Nueva Orleans del 28 al 30 de marzo.

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Madrid, noviembre de 2023. ENCUENTROS

Reunión con Gobierno de Aragón La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe se reúne con la Consejera de Educación de Aragón Claudia Pérez Forniés para hablar sobre la Enseñanza Bilingüe en la región.



 Madrid, noviembre de 2023.

La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la primera sesión de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL que se ofrece en línea durante el curso 2023/2024.


Jueves 16 de noviembre de 2023, a las 18:00 horas


Dª. ALISON MARTIN – Educational Partners International


Why not teach in the USA?


Do you want to improve both your English and teaching skills at the same time? Consider teaching abroad in the United States! While working in the US, you will be introduced to teachers from all over the world that you can learn from and collaborate with on a daily basis. Do you want your family to become bilingual? Bring them with you! There is no bigger life-changing experience than living and working abroad.


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