SoniaMartinPoveda Sonia has a master in English Philology in UCM and Certificate for Secondary Teacher, specialised in Preschool Education by UNED. Master in Family Studies by the European Institue of Education Studies. She is also expert in Family Education.
In her 22 years of teaching in nursery and primary schools, she has experience as a homeroom teacher. She also has experience teaching English as a foreign language and other areas of the Spanish Curriculum in English. Since 2006, she has been training teachers and families in different Spanish schools.
Currently, she is the English coordinator of the bilingual programme in Colegio Internacional JH Newman that includes: the English department, the Official School of Languages and the English Summer Camp.
Not only is she the English coordinator of the bilingual programme in Colegio Internacional JH Newman but she is also in charge of the English department, the Official School of Languages and the English Summer Camp.
She is an educational consultant who helps Primary and Preschools implement new methodologies. She also consults and collaborates with “Identitas Asesores de Educación Personalizada” giving courses and developing a Student Mentoring Programme for High Schools.