La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe te invita a la presentación del informe "Los Institutos Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid" en el que han participado más de 100 directores y coordinadores y que tendrá lugar el día 28 de marzo de 2019 a las 18:00 h en el Ilustre Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados de Madrid [C/ Fuencarral 101, 3.ª Pl. – 28004 Madrid].


IB Presentación web2




Puede realizar la inscripción rellenando el formulario pulsando sobre el siguiente enlace:

Formulario de inscripción link

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Call for proposals: from 17th January to 9th March 2019

16-18 May 2019

Valencia - Spain

The Language Centre of the UPV organises a biannual seminar focusing on contemporary issues in languages in Higher Education.

English as a Medium of Instruction is seen as a desirable offer from many universities, not only to attract students but also to prepare them for the world of work. This conference explores the potential and pitfalls of delivering education programmes using the English language.

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
- Alex Thorp, (Lead Academic, Language -Europe- at Trinity College London).
- Nick Byrne (Former Director of LSE Language Centre.)

Best conference papers will be selected for journal publication.


3rd International Seminar

Oferta de la National Association For Bilingual Education (NABE)




La Junta Directiva de NABE ofrece a los miembros de la Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe un descuento del 50% en el Paquete Choice Registration para la 48ª conferencia anual NABE, que se celebrará en el Lago Buena Vista, Florida, los días 7 - 9 de marzo de 2019.

Si deseas sumarte a la delegación de la Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe aprovechando estas condiciones para asistir al Congreso de NABE en Orlando, Florida del 7 al 9 de marzo, envía un correo-e a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..


Más información sobre el Congreso link




Published under the authority of:


NABE logo peq




Josefina Villamil Tinajero
Professor of Bilingual Education

University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, Texas 79968


Virgina Vinuesa Benítez
Associate Professor

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Madrid, Spain
Editorial Assistant

Cinthia Meraz Pantoja
Teacher, El Paso ISD

The University of Texas at El Paso

El Paso, Texas 79968


The NABE Journal of Research and Practice (NJRP) is an edited volume of scholarly publications that serves as an archival record for the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE). It is a peer-reviewed publication that seeks articles that examine research, pedagogy, policies, theory, and cultural issues that impact bilingual education, teaching, and learning. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies that can contribute to the growing knowledge base on bilingual education models and best practices are especially welcome. Position papers, and articles focused on applied educational research and research infused classroom practices are also welcome. The NJRP publishes articles written in either English or Spanish. The Editorial Board will consider clarity and timeliness of the content in judging the quality of the manuscripts. Beginning on January 2019, the Journal will be published by Taylor and Francis Group, and will be indexed.