Madrid, octubre de 2020. La Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe organiza las II Jornadas de DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL cuyas sesiones se ofrecerán en línea durante el curso 2020/2021. Los contenidos de las sesiones serán de utilidad para los asistentes y enfocados a permitir su aplicación en la actividad profesional diaria de maestros y profesores. La convocatoria para cada una de las sesiones se realizará en esta web cada mes, 10 días antes de la fecha de la sesión. La asistencia a las sesiones se organizará por orden de inscripción.
FRED GENESEE [McGill University] Looking Back and Moving Forward: Lessons from Research
There is a large and growing body of research on second language teaching and learning. This research has examined a host of issues and different learning contexts. Findings from this research along with new insights from professional practice during the past 25 years have expanded our understanding of how to enhance the effectiveness of dual language immersion programs. In this talk, I will review evidence that has important pedagogical implications for teaching in dual language programs. Specifically, I will consider evidence for: starting second language teaching and learning in the primary grades, the importance of explicit instruction of language for academic purposes, the importance of developing a bilingual pedagogical plan and the role of translanguaging in that plan, and the effectiveness of dual language education for all students even those with learning challenges.